Boys and theyre need to show off

WHY do boys always thinkt hey need to prove something to everyone? They always need to be the "tough" guy out there. I was riding on my bus in Wednesday and this 6th grader who is really self obsessed was talking about how a kid in his class tried beating him up, and the whole time all he would say was "It didn't even hurt, I was just getting annoyed," like STFU ok? I don't care if it hurt, dude!!! That's ok if it hurt!! I'm not gonna think any less of u!! And then this same kid is always talkign about how sexy he is and his six pack and biceps and how he's the best kid on his football team. He is extremely short and tiny, and HE'S 11 YEARS OLD!!! it's so annoying. And then when I got annoyed of hima nd moved to another seat, him and his friend started yelling out that i was crying to the whole bus. Losers.

Then in like a story or movie, the man always has to fight and he's like ashamed of himself when he gets hurt or somehting like that. Personally, I don't care if he gets hurt. I really wouldn't blame him. I know that this doesn't even make sense, but since when do I make sense?

blah :D
November 28th, 2009 at 06:08am