anybody ever have those days?where the world seems to hate u?all i wanted was for that one person but im starting to think its never gonna happen.i mean seriously!i thought that itd really happen one day and look where i am stuck in a shadow of disbelief as the world eats me away.im sorry that i never really got to know him or really to meet the real him cuz we all know he was faking it most of the time.really i am.i just really wanted to the real him and now i doubt ill ever get to becuz im leaving soon as in to a different state and i highly doubt he cares,although you know what?im not sure he should he never got to know the real me! i mean that happily bubbly personailty -omg she has to be high- isnt really me.i can be just as serious as he can and now well never know cuz next year im gone.im out and hes not.hes going to stay with the snow while i move to the sun and hes going to chase the dream hes always had while im stuck trying to figure out my friggin major since ive changed it like 20 times this school year alone. its just not the way i planned this going!
November 28th, 2009 at 09:15am