Rant 14 : THE BEST NINTENDO 64 GAME TO EXIST ( in my opinion, ofcourse...)

Ok, so I found my nintendo 64 in my closet the other day and I was like "DAMN." and started reminiscing on all my favorite game. And then I realized I have more favorite nintendo 64 games than these newer console games put together. SO here's a list of all my favorite ones's that i consider THE BEAST. (in no chronicle order, btw)

SUPER SMASH BROS : This game was literally the ultimate game. It's one of those game where when someone says nintendo you think "Super Smash" . Bascilly SSB is fighting game of most of all the famous nintendo characters such as Mario, Pikachu, Link and Star Fox. It was so addictive, and a pretty wide character variety. But I still dont understand why they didn't put Diddy Kong in there....

HEY YOU, PIKACHU! : I nearly jizzed my pants when I heard about this one ; a game where you can actually talked and interact with PIKACHU. FUCKIN PIKACHU. I loved that game. But there was one problem ; Pikachu was stupid. Like, I could say something extremly nice and he would thunderbolt me. MMmmmhmm. And I really chouldnt touch him or help him pick anything up or anything. I was just THERE. Throwing stuff and trying to get him to do things. Which he ignored.

ZELDA , OCARINA OF TIME : More than a decade later , I'm still trying to beat this game. No joke. But's it's amazinly addictive ; you play as Link and you go back and forth through time trying to save the world of Hylnfsfbnfksbfks something. I have at least 30 pages of FAQ's i've printed off, but have yet to help me. Folks are so vauge. TOO MANY PUZZLE. BLARG.

MARIO KART : I remember Sunday morning, playing this game with friends. It was lovely ; a racing game filled with all of the Mario world games and characters. I was always Yoshi~! But I lost al the time to my brother who played Boweser. Didja know running into Bowser messed up you're driving. I LEARNED THE HARD WAY.

CONKER'S BAD FUR DAY : It's alright if you have never heard of this game ; I wouldn't have either cause it was rated M (15+) and luckily my dad rented it without knowing. I only played this game ONCE, and I loved it. It's basiclly about the shadowed nintendo character Conker save something. With drug, violence and sexual stuff laced in. We only had gotten as far as Shit Mountain till my dad noticed it was M and quickly returned it. UGH.

YOSHI'S STORY : this game is literally the essence of cute ; the music, the backgrounds, and the yoshis. It made me giggle. But you could easily beat it in about 1-2 hours. And it made you feel like a 3 year old ; saving yoshi island by rescuing the yummy magical fruit heart love tree. Mmmhmm.

POKEMON STADIUM 1 AND 2 : Yupyup ; loved this game. You could insert your Gameboy color games into a special park thingy and play them on the tv or battle or trade or whatever. They also had mini games and such. It was cool. Wish they put a tiny bit more stuff in it though.

I'm sure there are soooo many more games I could list down, but i might later. I'm thinking about buying some of these games for christmas. If I can find them.....
November 29th, 2009 at 01:00am