If you felt my cousins pain

My cousins are in alot of pain lately. I don't blame them because i feel the pain to. You see my twin cousins are a year younger than me with a single mother. Since I don't want to reveal their names to the world i decided to disguise them. So say my cousins names were Taylor and Josh (they are boy and girl twins)and say that my aunt's name is Christina. My Aunt Christina has been drinking and smoking since the age of 13. It's hard to know that she is an alcholic and she is addicted to smoking. She has early signs of Emphysema and she honestly doesn't care. My cousins had no decipline ever but Taylor looks up to me and tells me and not my parents when something is wrong. One morning,it was about 7am i was sleeping until I heard my mother's cellphone ring. I immediatley got up knowing something must be wrong since someone is calling this early. I sat on the couch hearinng my mother say 'Oh my god' and 'Do you want me to go pick them up?'. Then she got off the phone rushing into the kitchen saying I have to go now! I said who was on the phone? It was my other Aunt Katey and she told my mom that my Aunt Christina never came home last night and the kids were alone all night. My aunt was drinking with a guy named Jack and they did something i'm not going to say and she was in the hospital. I left with my mom andwe went to pick my cousins up. My brother Eddie hung with Josh and i was with Taylor. That Jack guy almost killed my aunt and the question is how can you date someone who almost killed you?! Thats what my cousins think of him. They think of him as the guy who almost killed their mother. Then she did it again and nothing was wrong wth her when she walked in the door of her house the next morning with her children mad at her. Ever since she met Jack she puts him before her own children and she doesn't even love them anymore. I agree that she doesn't because sometimes she doesn't come home until the next day (even though they are 13 they still need a mom)and I think that shows how much she really cares about them. I told Taylor that lived her and nothing will stop me from caring about her.
November 29th, 2009 at 03:13am