The Grim Reaper Allowed Me To Say One Last Thing

Just like some of my other journals, I had to finish a prompt (sentence starter) that my teacher gave the class to do. It's not very long, once again because i only had a few minutes to work on it.

Prompt--> "We zoomed along the highway. While my brother stared ahead, trying to see, i studied the map by the light of my cell phone."

We zoomed along the highway. While my brother stared ahead, trying to see, i studied the map by the light of my cell phone. We were going a little above the speed limit, but i didn't think it was anything to worry over. We were on our way home from a party but got lost. I was just a little tipsy and i thought he was sober but when i heard car horns and seen lights flashing over the map I looked up and we were swerving dangerously on the road! I tried to warn him but it was too late... a broken leg, a broken arm, a concussion and a broken heart is what i had when i turned my head and to see if my brother was okay. Blood was seeping through the wound that a big piece of glass in his chest caused, his head was limp and his mouth open just enough to let the deep red liquid ooze out. I was crying but the world became blurry as i started to feel sleep engulf me. I had to say one last thing before I passed out " I love you and I'll see you soon"
November 29th, 2009 at 06:06am