Tyra Banks... Icon?!

I won't lie, I watch The Tyra Banks Show daily. She has interesting topics, you know? Prostitutes, Hermaphrodites, Culture, and tons of other things. Not that she puts them on there in a bad way. But, you know, I'm getting the vibe she does put them on there in a bad way.

The girls who are prostitues, she attacks them. She makes them feel so bad for what they do. I don't support prostitution in any way, but when you put someone on public television, then make fools out of them, that's unreasonable! Those women do it either A) because they enjoy it or B) because they need the money. Every one of those girls has a reason. It may not be a good reason,but they have one.

My problem with Tyra is that she interrupts people all the time. Yes, that bugs me. But what infuriates me? She attacks them, then she lets her audience do it! She tells her opinion on why she thinks these things are bad, then she lets her audience humiliate these inncoent people who didn't expect Tyra Banks to do such a thing!

And let's not forget, her show is biased. Based on race. She celebrates everything for black people! You know, Ellen has her show, she doesn't focus on gays/lesbians or white people!

I just find The Tyra Banks Show an embarassment. People should not be targeted like that... ever.
November 29th, 2009 at 06:36am