Hello Kettle? Yes, my name is pot. Guess what? You're black.

Don't you love how people will rant on and on (yes, people like me, but I try not to do the next part) only to contradict themselves about twenty seconds later?

Exhibit A: Today, I was at a friend's house. Now, I REALLY don't like my friend's mom. And she REALLY does not like. So we avoid each other's paths as much as possible. She is teaching her kids to not be prejudiced and to give everyone a fair chance and all that good stuff. A+ for parenting, right? Nope. Her kids absorbed this lesson, of course they did, they're good people. About ten minutes after she gave her kids this lecture (there was a reason for it, she wasn't just randomly being condescending), she made a comment about how Asians are horrible drivers, blah blah. Now, is that no prejudiced to you? I found it very offensive and wrong. Naturally, I didn't say anything since I didn't compute what she said until now. But now that it's registering, I find that so hypocritical.

Am I alone in this boat? Is hypocrisy that common that we don't even notice it until we're home and in our pajamas?

Lemme know.
November 29th, 2009 at 09:35am