New Moon

I hated this movie so much....Tht i wrote a reveiw on it for my school newspaper.... here it is!

When I sat down in my seat, the theater swarmed in with "twiliters", the teenage girls that have seen this movie millions of times and yet still squel at the mention of the mysterious vampire, Edward Cullen or the muscular wearwolf, Jacob Black.

When the movie finally started, during the first 25 minutes I could tell that this movie was going to stink. Like the first one, Bella Swan, who was played by actress Kristen Stewart, still had the same montone voice and the same depressed look through the whole movie. I don't see what the director, Catherine Hardwicke, saw in this 19 year old from Los Angeles. She has been in a number of movies and T.V shows playing supporting characters or non-speaking roles. And you can tell why. It looks as if she puts no enthusiam or effort into her lead role. For example, when Edward was leaving her, she looked the same as the beginning of the movie, frowning and blank faced. I mean, I could think of a thousand actress who would be sheading tears though and whole scene. But, the best Kristen could go was stutter a couple of times.

Edward, played by the heart-stopping english man Robert Pattinson, was more of an actor than Kristen. He showed some emotion but I still thought that he could do better. When I read the book, Edward was more enthusiactic but had his mysterious monments and I feel that Robert did not capture that in the film. Jacob, played by the famous heart-throb Taylor Lautner, was the best actor in the whole movie. Maybe because his 6 pack distracted you from his performance.

The best part of the movie was the random action scenes. They finally made the movie slightly interseting. Until the scenes ended and went back to Bella and Edward talking about how much they loved each other. Then the movie once agian became boring and my eyes became heavy again.

In conclusion, how this movie made 258 million dollars in the first week of apearing is beyond me. The poor acting and the lack of action scenes, which made the first movie atleast decent, gave me a reason to fall asleep right in the theater. The saying, "the book is always better than the movie" really does make sence here. It amazes me that most people are so obbsessed with Twilight, that they do not take the time to see how badly this movie really is. This movie, in my opinion, does not even deserve one star.

P.S- I want ur opinions!!!!! I love haters!!! ;)
November 29th, 2009 at 06:49pm