Calling ALL Jonas Brothers Fans!!!

I have started a myspace for Jonas fanfics called Fanfics For You! I need writers, a co-owner** and someone who is good at making layouts and any other graphic type things. I would really appreciate your help and cooperation. I really want this to go well and I know that there are really great writers on here who I'm sure would love to help. Anyone who helps,will get comments on their stories, early viewing of upcoming chapters on any store I post, and will get advertising from me.

Message me, comment me whichever you choose. just lemme know.


Co-owners will need to send me the following information:
Why Do you want to be my co-owner?:
What can you bring to the site?:
Why should I make you my co-owner?:
Do you have any references who would be able to tell me if you can do the job?:

I know that sounds like alot and kinda rude but I need a co-owner who will help me with the site and who knows what they are doing.

Thank you so much.


November 29th, 2009 at 07:57pm