Criss Angel, fake?

Ok, I LOVE Criss Angel. Yes I'm a loser for that, I don't care. I know that all the tricks and stunts are illusions, he's even said so himself that he's an illusionist. But theres always just some fun in pretending that its real. I think its funner to believe that it's real, even when you know its not. Cause sometimes its just better not to go, how the fuck does he do that, then go crazy trying to figure it out.

My friends say I'm dumb for believing it, saying he's a fake and a poser. I KNOW they're not realy, even if the common human only ususe up to 10 or 15% of their brian I think it is, you're probably NOT gonna be able to make things float, have thread come threw your belly button or eye, or have a quarter that was supposed to go into your digestive track end up in your arm if you manage to use more brain power than common. They call him a fake. I say he's not, he's an illusionist, a street magician is what he's commonly called. It's his JOB to make the suppernatural appear to be real, to entertain, and to spark our curiosity and go, maybe, just maybe that stunt was real. What do you think?
May 27th, 2007 at 08:30am