Guitar, Hershey Kisses, Screen Print Shirts.

So, since Thanksgiving night, I've been trying to teach myself how to play guitar. Let me tell you, it sucks! The tips of my fingers hurt oh so bad and they feel weird. I know its part of the whole playing process but holy macaroni..gahh!
I decided that I was going to go straight into learning how to play songs without any previous knowledge of chords and strumming techniques. I know. It worked for about the first 2 days and then it became stupid and too hard. So, I quit until today. Russian Roulette by Rihanna is what I'm working on right now. (If you havent hear it yet, you need to. Talk about awesomeness!) Should be fun. Should take a long time. Thank the good Lord above I have a good guy friend who is willing to teach me how to play. Should be interesting.

Hershey kisses...oh man. *mouth waters*
So my mom got this huge bag of hershey kisses mixed with hershey hugs and let me tell you something, I've been tearing them up. They're muy delicioso. Chocolate just seems to be my friend these days. Works for me :]]

Screen Print Shirts...
So in fashion 2 class we are making our own screen print shirts. My idea for my shirt is to represent the Invisible Children organization. (Google it if you're clueless.) Im pretty stoked. I got the idea from the girls I stayed with when I went on my college visit. They were making shirts for it and I got the idea to do it too. We're starting it tomorrow. WOOT WOOT! :]

Yeah so this was my first journal. Kinda pointless, but this is what I'm about for the time being. Love it? Hate it? Comment it. :)
November 30th, 2009 at 04:00am