I had a dream...

No - I am not Martin Luther King... But I did have a dream!
I just thought I'd tell you, because it was wierd, and I've had it twice so far. SO here it is!

Well - I was walking down this country road and there was this big white house, with ivy and roses growing up the side. You could tell that it would cost a fortune, and it was mine!
Everytime I've had this dream there has been loads of lambs in the front garden, and I always pick one up - it's black and it screams, bites and kicks, trying to get out of my grip. But I don't let it, and it slowely grows to love me.
I explore the house - still with the lamb, and I go out into this giant courtyard, where I try to get near another white building - though this is much smaller and obviously not as old as the bigger house - but before I could get there, two men had seen me. The black lamb that I was still carrying was kicking up a fuss, terrified. The men were just walking normally, but when they saw me they thought that I was evil - a witch, someone not to be trusted. Don't ask me to tell you how I know - it's just like that in dreams. They were running towards me - obviously with violent intent, but I managed to get into the house before either of them could reach me.
Still with the lamb I was walking round the house, where I ran into my mother. She told me to, and I am quoting this as I can remember the words, 'Go to bed early, and you must say your prayers. Do not come out of your room, especially when the moon is up, as that is what they like best. Stay there, go to sleep and pray that they will never find you.'
She left, and I ignored her.
When all was quiet, I left my room, still with the lamb. I wondered the dark, spooky halls alone and unafraid, thinking that my mother had only told me that so I would sleep.
That was when I saw him. My father.
Now - in real life my father is nce; he doesn't tell me off without reason, and I know I am lucky to have a father like him. But in my dream, he wasn't that nice.
(This bit's wierd.) He was a vampire.
I talked to him for a bit, and he soon came out of his blood-crazed state. He remembered who I was. His daughter.
Everything was going fine. We talked for ages, although I cannot remember this. We were there for ages and everything seemed to be going fine, that is, until he bit me.
It was not one of those dreams where you feel everything - but I heard the pain. I know that, even in my dream-like state, I shall never forget that scream. It was filled with a horrible, heart-wrenching pain that shall haunt me. It carried on for some time - until my body was devoid of blood. My mother shrieks as she realises what has happened - then runs, cloak swirling, into the night.

Then I woke up.
May 27th, 2007 at 10:40am