People Problems

Dear........random person on mibba? Nov 30, 2009

So, heres the thing. (names are changed for thier "safty") I dated Nick before I moved to California. We didnt leave on good terms. I was talking to Stan on myspace a few months later. He said that Nick was drunk and wont stop asking for me. I let him add me and we talked. Hes the "tell no lies" type of drunk, so I believed him when he said that hes sorry and that he loves me. So we talked on and off over about 3 months. He asked for some "pics". Sure I was a little uneasy about it but I sent it anyways. After that he didnt talk as much. Then, one day, I was talking to Bobby and he said that Nick was calling me horrable names and such. He was even showing people the pictures I sent him. He was saying how it made him mad. He told me how he always loved me and how he misses me so fucking bad. And yeah, I always loved him. Since the second I saw him. We were the best friends who loved each other but never told the other. But then he asked for a picture. Nick and Bobby are friends (at leased thats what they were when I was living there) I dont know if hes trying to do what Nick did, or if he means it. Im calling him in five minutes. I hope hes telling the truth. What do you guys think? Who would you trust?
November 30th, 2009 at 11:57pm