Logarithms, 1984, Ex boyfriends; Ticketmaster

So, pre-cal this year has just about kicked my butt so far. And then we come to logarithms today and it's actually pretty simple. I dont know why I decided to write about this but I did and I thought whoever reads this would want to read it. If you dont, too bad. :)

Okay so this book, I dont understand it and I so far hate it. It's too futuristic for me. Ehh oh well. Might as well read it. I have no choice.

Ex boyfriends;
Okay, so I found out that my recent ex boyfriend is taking one of his girl friends to the soiree dance. The only reason the girl agreed? She would feel bad if she said no. I find that rather funny that he likes her but she doesnt return the same feelings. Sucks for him. Screw him. Hehe. :)

Found out that there are going to be some awesome concerts around where I reside. The only thing hindering me from going? The tickets are sold out. How ridiculous is that? Makes me mad that I miss the good ones. Thats what friends who do go to them and take pictures are for. Oh, and the ever awesome YouTube. :]
December 1st, 2009 at 02:58am