Love Just Sucks

Have you ever liked someone and it seems they might actually like you? I'm in that situation right now... Yeah I like this guy and he's practicaly my best friend. Sucks I know but I fell hard for him. We hang out alot, and when we do we act like a couple just minus the kissing. Holding hands and hugging is just a regular thing in our relationship within the past month or so. Having his arms around my waist is most likely my favorite place to be but I don't think he even realizes what the affect it has on me. I fell for him and he just doesn't seem to notice and when I see him hugging another girl my heart just breaks. I feel like I'm about to cry becuase I guess I'm not good enough to be his girlfriend. I've asked my friends for advice on what I should do. They all say he likes me alot but he's just doesn't want to run the risk of hurting our friendship.... Could they be right?
December 2nd, 2009 at 12:18am