About Myself. :)

My name is Allie and I am 14.

My favorite color on the whole face of this planet is blue. :)

I have a boyfriend, he is also my first. :) We have been going out 6 months and a week* so far. (*As of Dec. 29th) I have also had my first kiss. :) And it was with my current bf.

I am very active in my youth group at church; I am apart of the Praise Band and am on the Leadership team. My favorite verse right now is Zephaniah 3:17.

I am really having to rely on God for what has been going on in my family. My mom's health isn't the greatest....that leading me to say the doctors have all been suprised and have asked her how are you even alive? Most people die from what she has been through and is going through. Money is rough in my family and we have been relying on my BF and my best friend's family to get me and my brother to church most of the time.

I don't like the fact sometimes that we rely on them so much because it makes me think that they think they can never ask us for help or anything. That really pains me.... We're not totally useless even though we are a teensy bit limited.

In some way I'm praying God will use me to impact their lives somehow.... Instead of me just...being a friend that relys on them too much. That somehow my extreme presence in their lives can help them in someway.

I pray that God gives me patience and calm through the storm. I know I fail him a lot, but I also know that He still loves me.

I have amazing friends. I am very thankful for their presence in my life and there is no way that I could ever tell or show them that.

I LOVE to laugh. In fact I laugh a ton. They say that the more you laugh the longer you'll live. I don't know of that's true, but if it is I think I just might be set. :)

And that's a lot about me.

December 2nd, 2009 at 12:47am