
Over time, and especially recently, I have come to the realization that you really cant trust anyone but yourself. As sad as I am to say that, I really feel its true. I want to be able to trust my close friends but every time I feel like I'm putting a lot of faith in them they just let me down. Maybe its just my age and it will get better as I get older but for now people just take the trust I give them and throw it away.

This weekend I had a group of friends over. It was a cool time and we just hung out. When I got home from school yesterday my mom asked if she had seen anyone take beer from out step outside. It was one of my close friends who had taken it. The first time he visits my house and he does something shitty like steal from my family. It wasn't really a problem because me and my mom have a good relationship and she knows I wouldn't do something like that and I didn't get blamed for it but its still crappy, knowing that you brought someone you thought could trust over to your house and they just steal something. And also recently I told my friend I was having strong feelings for another friend of ours, like romantic feelings. The very same day I told her she told someone else. It didn't hurt that the other person knew, its that she just told my secret so quickly when it took me a while to tell her. She also then started to get flirty with him. Sitting on his lap when there was many seats around. Holding his hand and other things. I know more than anyone that shes a flirty person and she does that with just about everyone, but you would think that after I told her how I feel about him she would back off. Maybe I just have too much faith in people. I know I am a trustworthy person. If someone tells me something that they need to get off their chest for them, i wouldnt dream of turning around and blabbing to the entire world.
I don't really know what the purpose of this was. I just needed to get it off my chest. Feel free to comment if you wish.
December 2nd, 2009 at 04:29am