Sad Truth

In my last journal entry I told you guys about how I'm in love with my best guy friend, I'll start calling him Jared. I've got bad news... My best friend, I'll call Bee (not her real name), has been flirting with the guy I like. Well she's been flirting with him for a long time and I just haven't noticed it really until today in one of my classes I have iwht both of them. The sad part about it is that Bee knows I like Jared and she promised me that she would hepl me with getting him to ask me out, she just doesn't seem to care about how I feel and just goes on flirting with Jared. I've said something to Bee after school and she tried to pull the whole 'innocent' card on me and I could tell she knew that I know she wasn't being serious. How could my bestfriend do that to? Yeah I know what you're all gonna say; Don't be her friend anymore! Ihave seriously thought about that and I have come to the conclusion that I'll just wait and see what's gonna happen. By not doing anything I'm just hoping that Bee will move on quickly but I will never truly trust her again... Hopefully I can pluck up the courage to ask Jared out soon or just tell him how I really feel.
December 2nd, 2009 at 11:10pm