Good-Bye Chris


I may not have known you all too well, or hung out you after school, but that does not change the fact that you were an amazing person. I remember you and Lauren having your daily lunch debates and laughing my ass off once you got her pissed. Remember when you fought over how you were 100% Purto Rican? That was such a funny day. Even though Lauren said that no one can be 100% of anything, if anyone could be 100% Purto Rican, it would be you. You had everything going for you, you were smart, funny, nice...You could have been anyone you wanted to be. Its not fair that you had to go. I'll always cherish those lunches we had together.

I also remember the time when Lauren and I made our Choco Chips for Tufaro's writing class last year. You tried to guess what they were before we told you. After we told you, we said we would share, but you didn't want any thinking we would poison them. We then promised to each eat one in front of you. I don't think you ever did get to try them.

When I found out that you had Leukemia, I did not want to believe it. But then it made sense as to why you were never in school. Lunch was never the same without you after that. You were part if what made lunch so fun. Since I never had the chance to say good-bye. I'm going to make this my good-bye.

So good-bye Chris. We all love you, miss you, and want you back. But we also know that you're in a better place now, away from all the pain you've been through. At our ten year reunion, we are going to sit at our lunch table, and carry on a debate. Lauren and I will be rock stars just as we promised to be. Though you may not be there physically, I know you'll be there spiritually laughing along with us. I'll try to keep your seat open. Rest in peace Christopher Segarra.<33
December 3rd, 2009 at 09:17pm