Getting to Know Me a Bit

Dear Everyone.

Hi. I'm writing this to just let everyone in on a few personal aspects of my life. I'm sixteen, obviously. But I have recently gotten out of a very serious relationship. I met the guy in 7th grade at a Valentine's Day dance, and he asked me out three days later. I was with him for three years and eight months (almost four years.) We got engaged on our two-year and 10-month anniversary. So, I basically laid out my life with this guy. I made plans to marry him, moving in with him after I graduated high school. All that fun future junk. But then, we never had a perfect relationship. We always fought, disagreed, and he was very controlling. He basically told me I couldn't hang out with my friends, or go to concerts, or do anything that had to do with other guys. He was extremely jealous. He was never abusive (physically), but he did a real number of my self-esteem. The day after Halloween, I broke up with him after he accused me (yet again) of cheating on him with his brother. That is not true, because I am NOT that type of girl. So I threw the engagement ring at him, called my mom, and started to pack my bags.(I was allowed to spend weekends at his house and sleep over.) So let me give you a little history: Everytime we had "broken up" in the past, it was always him breaking up with me. I would cry for days and beg him to come back, while he was going out partying and hanging out with other girls. I break up with him for the FIRST time. and Nothing. not even a message. I find out that he's dating one of the girls he's cheated on me with before, and on top of that, she already has a kid from another relationship! He's 17 (almost 18) and she's 18 (almost 19). I just can't believe I gave everything to him, believed he loved me...and no emotion on his end. He tells me that he cried when I dropped all of the stuff he ever gave me off. I can't believe that when he says he's in love with her that quickly. I KNOW I wasted the past four years, and yet, I don't regret it. It sucks yeah, but I've gotten better. Now I'm busy enjoying life, making up for lost time with my friends, and being awesome :). So that's just a bit of life information I guess. PSA NOTICE: if a guy looks like he's trouble, HE PROBABLY IS! lol.
December 4th, 2009 at 07:31am