5 Most Used Words Of 2009...& 2010!!!~

How is everyone today?! I am still in a fabolous mod. : ) I just wanted to share something I heard on a really cool show on MTV. Its called...It's on with Alexa Chung. Anyone else watch it? Well, a couple of days ago [Ive got a dvr recorder thingy] she said on the episode that the 5 most used words of 2009 are as follows:

1. Twitter
2. Barack Obama
3. H1N1
4. Stimulate
5. Vampires.

I just have been sharing that with everyone today. So, spread the words people!

But, I can't believe how fast 2009 has passed. It honestly feels like just yesterday I was chilling with my friends, Austin, Dale, Ryan, and Lexie, and 3 o'clock am by a lake. Yes, I was a "bad" girl and snuck out. But anywho. I miss the summer. Sooo much fun. Haha. But 2010 is like 28 days. 28 DAYS!!!!!!!!! Away. I can't believe it. My friend Mariah, is going to be gone in 28 days. I'm so saddened. Whoever lives up in South Dakota, take care of her!! Haha. I don't know where though..So...hmm...
But, I think there is going to be a lot of change in 2010. Personally,and with the globe. Thats my opinion.

What do y'all think is going to go down in the great 2010?

Omg. Guess what. I heard that in the movie 2012, [ Personally I didn't want to see it. I think that, that subject is obberly depressing, and we should just focus on the now] But I heard that the cover the Maine did for Alternative Press was featured in it. : ) Who's seen 2012? Did you like it? Who read Alternative Press? Who likes The Maine?

Well...I'm done. Haha

I <3 Boobies! [Save a Breast Foundation, for those who don't know.]

Rebecca!! : )
December 5th, 2009 at 01:27am