Major Confused!

I don't even know what to feel any more!!!
I am so confused with everything..
People confuse me so much.!.

RIght now I should be on top of the world...
I'm going to have a baby brother or sister,
I have my friends, my family..
But I'm not happy.
I've changed..
And I don't like it....
I don't feel like me.
I wish it was easier and all okay and happy,
I wish it could all happen the way I want it to.

There are people I want to meet, want to see again and never want to see in my life..

But things don't always happen the way you want, or even in any way similar to what you would have slightly liked. It all turns out horribly wrong,,
And the guy you like loves someone else,
Someone you like is so far away,
Your family doesn't understand,
Your friends change...
It sucks..

Well I just hope that things will go right for ME, not just my friends, not just my family, but ME.
For once..
December 5th, 2009 at 10:51am