9-11...Just Thoughts


So, I've backed out twice today to write something on this subject, that last night at my moms birthday party, we all were talking about. Cause I brought up lockdowns. Don't ask why I did though...Oh yea. I remember. My mom was talking about how many times she's been scared, while my dad's out to see. Only twice.

But I said to one of the guys there that works with my dad. That for a 7 year old I was a little to observant, and opinionated. The day of once my mom, brother, and I got home I asked. 'If he's a bad guy then why are they showing his face?'...But anywho. That's besides the point really. I just sometimes think adults forget that little kids are really smart, and observant when it comes to the more important situations. Like a familes money situation, the love between the parent's drifting apart, and world politics.

This memory will forever be embeded into my mind, as my first life changing situation. I have since then never backed down from a threat, a challenge. And I worry more than I probably should. I often think of this day, when I see the news. They used to do updates every day or so on the death tole of the war. I don't think that I've seen one of those in a while, I have most certaintly not heard any news of the satus, of getting out men back home and such. I personally am sick to death of hearing about Tiger Wood's drama. That's something that should be stuck to BET, or something in my opinon.

Everything has changed since the day. For the good or the bad I have no clue, I am only 15 years old. I don't know everything, I'm stating my opinon, and question on this matter, everyone seem so to push into the back of their head now days. So, I ask...

Have we forgotten? Have we all forget how we gathered in our living rooms clutching out family to out chest, glad that they were here still? Have we forgotten all of the prayers, believer in a higher power or not, to help those familes who were searching for their loved ones, planning funerals for them? Have we forgotten?

December 7th, 2009 at 12:36am