The Facebook groups, I see them, laugh, join.. never visit them again.

Because while talking to my friends today I have come across something that has momentarily shocked me.

When my mom used to tell me, “Honey don’t worry, you are completely different to others.” I never thought she was lying. I mean yeah, I was eight, small, and naïve, but I have realized that we, human beings are not so different from each other.

A perfect example, the Facebook groups some like, “I was shocked when I realized that OK looks like a sideways stick person.” Or the all so seen, “In 2013 I will go watch 2012, and laugh.”
Every each and single Facebook group is able to represent a small fraction of our insignificant daily routines. They are able to like a snapshot, keep hold of an emotion we feel every day, but completely forget about the next second.

The number of people who are part of those groups, demonstrate how many people were thinking like us right that second.

“Universal Law: If you are under the bedcovers, you cannot be attacked.” How many times, have we got scared about something, hearing a squeaking noise in the house thought it was the bogey man and covered ourselves under the blankets?

I know I’m not alone in this, Facebook has proved to me that in the world there are people who think exactly the same way as I do, but sometimes I think that only the people who have the guts to create these groups and show the real stupidity of the humans actions, are the ones who we should look up to.

Because in the end, as I heard in my all so loved movie A Cinderella Story, “Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.”
December 8th, 2009 at 03:53pm