Snow! (Nothing too interesting about the title, I know)

Ok so as indicated by the title, yeah it snowed where I live today. It snowed enough, but of course school was not delayed or cancelled for me, espeically because it was finals week so I was kind of expecting it to be open and all. Trudgining through the snow at 8am for an 8:30 final was fun and not so fun. It was freezing to say the least, of curse because if it was warm, it wouldn't be snowing in the first place. They also had not gotten to shoveling out good pathways for students to walk through so I had about a three foot wide path to walk on, which was kind of funny because it snaked around like a tiny maze and if I looked up into the distance, I could see other students further away on campus, twisting and turning on the little path.
Snow is just beautiful to look at when it's falling a a few hours after its been untouched. I love the snow, just hate shoveling massive amounts of it so as long as you don't make me do that, I'm alright. A little shoveling is ok but I'm so used to shoveling my home's huge downward driveway that I get a little angry. Anyway, since I as going in for this 8:30 final I wanted to have some fun with it. It was my composition final and my professor is really, really cool with seriously whatever we do as long as it's, well, you know, appropriate! So there was a choice between doing one essay or another and I chose to write a 'How to walk around in the snow successfully' essay. It was so much fun to write because I got to be sarcastic in a way, but in a good writing way. I can only hope that it went well though because it was 8:30am and well, I was a little tired at that time. but I love writing fun essays rather than analyze why this is, in that and why the author put the comma here instead of somewhere else and stuff.
Ok well wish me luck on that final and anyone got any fun snow stories? Post 'em because I'dlove to read about them, I have a few good ones of my own that I may post after this heinous week of finals is over!

P.S. to make my morning a little happier,as I was walking to class in the snow, a kid on the path a little farther ahead was sining 'walking in a winter wonderland.' it was so appropriate for that time and well, it made my morning a little funnier. I love campus in the early morning, the funniest stuff happens!
December 9th, 2009 at 10:40pm