I wanna drop it all!!!! -Rant-


Well...I have had a drama filled week thus far. Lovely eh? I'm seriously considering dropping ALL of my really close friends, I don't want to, but they have so much drama, its not good for me, I'll explain later....

So, this is when everything started...Monday night, I found out that my friend Julia ran away, we didn't know why...no one! They found her yesterday evening, needless to say, she isn't good at hiding. She was in the woods, next to mine, and her ex boyfriends house. They did it this summer, and she's completely changed, he's f-ed with her mind so much, she seem to hardly even be able to think logically. She told her dad, and sister, that the reason she ran was because she didn't want to kill herself. We don't know why she wanted to kill herself at all, even her family. But, now she is in Focus [Mental/Drug rehab] for suicidal thoughts, as some know, my mom, and brother have both been this establishment for it before.

Back to the point, I am honestly so sick of her drama, that I really want to drop her as a friend. 7th grade, she lied, and admitted that she had breat cancer, just for attention, she cut herself, for attention. You don't f-ing do something like that and then practically brag about it! Its stupid!! I love her to death, she's like an old sister to me, no joke. But our friendship, has sort of become, unhealthy for me. So, depending on how she is when she comes back in a couple of weeks, I may end this friendship for good. : (

Then my other friend is moving in 20 days to somewhere in South Dakota, and she's just sorta spazing out. One moment she's all happy, then angry, the sad. I'm loosing it, trying to comfort her. The emotion she seems to expressing the most is anger, I'm scared to be around her, for herself, and for me. I don't want her to get hurt, and I don't want to get hurt. She just has a lot of drama in her life, sadly, but hopefully South Dakota will be good for her. Get her away from who started this drama, her ex-boyfriend. He started crap about her, after they slept together, and then when crap with her family started going down hill, then she started to go down hill. She's completely changed, because of all that put together, but mostly just her ex.

Then my other friend, thought that she was pregnant. Gosh, I can't deal with that, I understand that she was scared and everything. I was for her sake, and his, her dads a total dick. but apparently they got into an altercation last night, and he punched her in her stomach, and she bled. I honestly think that she was just saying that for attention, because that isn't the only time she's faked being pregnant. So, I think I'm definately going to break that friendship of for sure...I can't stand complusive liers. I really can't.

My first friends new, sent me home early Tuesday, from the longest freaking panic attack I've ever had. I was low on sleep, because I didn't sleep well Sunday, and Monday night, then worring about her, and starting my period. Definately not a good combination. Sadly.

...bottom line I've realized. HAVING SEX CAUSES TO MUCH FUCKING DRAMA!!!

So, I'm going to go eat now. Sorry, for just telling all of this, I had to get it all off of my chest, and writting all of this would have hurt my hand. haha.

So, goodnight!!

December 10th, 2009 at 01:30am