Will Smith is amazing [Seriously, no joke here. Entire journal about him]

He is. Seriously, I just feel like talking about how awesome he is. He is my favorite actor, so of course I am a bit biased, but seriously guys. He is just so awesome in every role he plays and can play sooo many different roles, it's amazing.

You can tell in every movie he's in that he's always giving 110% all the time. Two roles aren't the same, either! Sure, he's been in a lot of action movies but never once did I ever think it was Will Smith, I thought of him as the character he was portraying, which is very hard for a big-time actor to do. My second favorite actor is of course Johnny Depp, and the reason he isn't my favorite is that I know that it's him in his movies. Even if every character is crazy and extremely different from his other movies, it's him and you can tell. Will Smith doesn't have to put on mounds of make-up on his face or change his voice to disguise who he is and try to make the focus his character, he does that already with his acting.

Let's take a look at two movies: Men In Black and I, Robot. They're both very Sci-Fi-ish with similar themes and whatnot, but never once when I was watching it think of the other movie simply because of the same actor. He really just makes sure that every role he plays in is its own character, not Will Smith playing the character.

Another reason why he's amazing: Hancock. I mean, who saw it and thought it was extremely cheesy and almost....bad? I thought about it a bit after I watched it, but not while I was watching it. It's kind of hard to explain, but the fact that it kinda sucked did not deter me from finishing the movie. I really enjoyed it despite its suckiness and plot holes because Will Smith is just so damn entertaining. He really made up for the weird story line and okay actors. If any other person had had this role, I would've hated it.

And one of my favorite movies had him in it, which is probably the biggest thing. Independence Day is number 1/2 on my list of favorite movies (The other half being Back To The Future, or course. I can't choose between them, honestly, I can't)

In that move, unlike a lot of other Will Smith movies, he wasn't the main character. He shared main character-ness with so many other roles like the president and his wife and a lot of other people in the movie. Usually movies like that just become too confusing, but Independence Day really made it work, which was the one thing I loved. I believe that he is awesome in every single role he plays.

A big part of movies are the characters. If characters are flat, I don't care how awesome the action or special effects are or even crazy plot lines, I will not finish that movie. Every movie I have seen with Will Smith have left me extremely satisfied at the ends of them.

Seriously, Will Smith kicks ass, end of.

....So. I basically just wrote that because I wanted to rant, but not about bad things. So there you go :D
December 12th, 2009 at 12:05am