Rant on Parents! D:

oh. my. GOSH! I just want to throw something across the room.

My parents aggravate me to no end.

Since forever my mom has been telling me to go hang out with my friends, because I'm too unsocial or whatever (so not true). The reason I never hang out with my friends are because of times like these:

Me: Hey mom, can I go spend the night at -insert friend name here-'s?
Mom: Yeah sure, if you clean the whole upstairs.

Okay, so I live in a messy home, with a set of 3 year old twins, and my 10 year old sister (who never does anything) and it takes forever to clean the whole upstairs. Like hourssssss....

So I tell my friend I'll be over in a while (a long while lol), and then I get to work. I clean the whole upstairs, pack an overnight bag, and then go downstairs to head out.... but this is always how it ends up goin down...

Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Going to -insert friend name here-'s house. I'm spending the night, remember?
Mom: No you're not.
Me: Yeah, you said that if I clean the whole upstairs that I could go.
*this is when she goes upstairs to "examine" everything*
Mom: This isn't good enough, you're not going.

And not to mention, she never does anything! At all! She just sits on her @ss all day playing her stupid computer...

Ughhh.. it's sooooooooo frustrating!

And my dad (my step dad) is just sooo... UGH!

He's not even my real dad, I shouldn't have to listen to him. Especially since he treats me like I'm some sort of lazy-*ss b!tch. Which I'm not! And he's so... territorial about my mom. He won't even let me to go into their room when only my mom is there, lying down because she's "sick" a lot.

But whatever.. I'm going to go take a hottt shower, so that I can maybe calm down.
December 13th, 2009 at 12:31am