
I just signed up to FormSpring and the first question I asked was to the Jonas Brothers.


They answered almost right away.
Which is cool cause for a while I wasnt even going to click the send button.

And now I'm smiling like this =D and shaking, I do realise how lame and immature I am.
I also realise that they reply to almost everyone on there, but still!

It made my day just so much better, I've had a caffiene hangover all day.

Although, really they focused on the first part of the question, which wasn't really a question...just a statement from me to them, and avoided the real question altogether.

So either, they have no plans of touring Australia soon, or they do and they're keeping it all hush-hush.

That's pretty much all this Journal is for.
To vent my excitement.

Yeeeeee =D
December 13th, 2009 at 10:49am