90's Walt Disney

I miss it, back when Disney had it's own original spunky animated ideas
such as:
The Lion king- made bugs look delish =)
Alice in wonderland ? ( was that 90's?)- well, lets just say... awesome
The Jungle Book - The best feel good movie- Bear Necessities =)
The Little Mermaid - well, it came along and made you wonder about why things were called what they were...
Bambi- one of the saddest movies ever... ='[

and many other wonderful, awesome movies.

It seems Disney has lost it's magical touch.

one of the good movies ( in my sad little opinion) to date of the 00's is Monsters Inc.

Feel free to tell about some other good movies that Disney have done of late and if you too, think that Disney has lost it's magic touch.

December 13th, 2009 at 12:53pm