My "Techspoloration" Application. [ needs a review, please help. ]

A few months ago, a teacher of mine explained to me what "Techsploration" was. Immediately, I was interested. For quite some time now I've been debating what type of career I should invest my education in, and this group seems like the prime place to finally get some insight on what I truly love, and what unorthodox jobs are available to me in the future. I'm looking upon this opportunity with bright eyes, and an open mind.

From what I've been told, Techsploration is a group aimed at showing young women like myself the many career opportunities we have that aren't usually taken into account when thinking of an occupation for a female. This includes careers within the sciences and technologies, skilled trades and arts. After the group is selected, we're assigned a female Role Model - a woman whose place in the work force is that of a typically male-dominated position. Previous examples I've been told of have been Graphic Designers, and an Astro-Physicist.

Why am I interested in Techsploration? I have a thirst for learning about what options I have to chose from in my future. I have little more than two years to decide what I'd be happy having for a job, and where my place is within the Canadian work force. With that time, I'd like to explore the less conventional careers women have, and see what suits me.

Currently, I'm tied between choosing a job in the Sciences, or the Skilled Trades. Both could showcase my love for art, and my curiousity to learn about the world around me, and how everyday things we experience happen, and why. My general interests are in the arts - Music, Literature, and the Visual arts. One of my top interests in terms of a career would be that of a Professional Hairstylist, but in these tough economic times, I want to enter a career confident that I'm going to make a living, and support myself.

Also, I want to know what I have to offer to the work force. I want to learn what I have to contribute, and why employers would want to hire me, contra the many other applicants. I'm practically anal about punctuality - I detest showing up late for any occasion, many a time I'm very early. To aid that, I absolutely adore working with the public, and making strong public relations. It's a knack I have, I enjoy making friends and helping others. Also, I'm very persistant. If I truely want something, I will make it known, and I will do whatever possible to ensure I have a high chance at earning it.

In conclusion, I'm very interested in Techsploration, and I see it as an amazing opportunity for me to explore my options, and aid me as well as other girls to see what's out there in their future. I look forward to the workshops and events that Techsploration holds, and the many things I'll learn throughout the next few years.


...Could someone give me a word count for this?
And any suggestions?

My microsoft word ended up failing on me today,
and the Essay needs to be submitted tomorrow.
December 13th, 2009 at 05:18pm