The People Who Are Most Important In My Life.

People who are Important in my life. :)

?Cookie Monster? My Erin is like, totally THE chick, Shes so nice for letting me steal this, although she doesn't know yet, shes so funny, but she seems shy sometimes, which is totally awesome with me, cause I'm shy, sometimes! Shes like my shoulder to cry on, she's always there, and we talk twenty-four-seven. <--whoa.

?Mickey Mouse? My Lola is one of my first real friends on here, shes super duper funny, we do pretty much alot of stuff together, although I think its easy to freak her out, it seems I do it ALOT. Shes also my partna in crime.

?My guel? My Miguel, is a straight up person, if he doesnt like you, he'll tell you that to your face, he hates cheaters, and can be a mean person somethimes.

?JenJen? My Jenni, is always the person to cheer you up, she knows how to talk to you, and cheer you up, she can make you smile when your sad, and she writes awesome stories, I guess you could say shes my sister and my inspiration. :)

?Baby Elmo? My Leoh, he's always there for me, he reminds me constantly that condoms are protection, a shield, and not a toy to play with, although I ignore him and make balloon animals out of them. He knows I love him, and that he'll always be my baby Elmo, no matter how much older he is than me, no matter how far, I'll always love you, and that promise about the twenty-seven year old thing, its still on. :)

?Spongebob? My Steven, is like, awesome. Were both from the same place. The dreadful Quizilla! Although I just met him, (quite literally actually) I think we'll be like, awesometastical bestfriends. :)
December 13th, 2009 at 08:54pm