Howdy! (so I haven't been on in a while)

Yeah I haven't been on in like 4 months. I've been on but only to check my profile but because I ceased to exist for 4 months I didn't have and notifications. Which really made checking my Mibba pointless.

So I started freshman year not too great. I started going a private Catholic school and lets just say I really didn't like it. Not because i'm anti-religion on whatever (which is why most people don't like my school) but it just didn't work out. Its so much smaller which causes drama to be worse. Everyone is forced upon each other which causes drama and/or people to be extremely fake. One of my friends from public middle school came into this school with me and well, this High School got the best of her and now she's quite fake, and almost hostile. So I spend the weekends hanging out with my best friends from public school and practicing guitar. Fortunately i'm transferring to public school after Christmas break, so wish me luck!

Ooh! Because were going out of the country for winter break I got my birthday present right after Thanksgiving. I drumset! I've been wanting one for like 2 years and I'm really catching on to it.
Its been like two weeks and i've learned Holiday by Green Day and now i'm figuring out That's What You Get by Paramore. Dad thinks I should get lessons but aren't they expensive?

I bought a new guitar with the money i've been saving up for one and its AH-MAZING. I got an Epiphone Les Paul Custom in Silverburst, if you don't know what it is I suggest you google it because like I said its amazing.

Gahhh... I'm really supposed to be studying for finals which start tomorrow but I really don't understand and am stressed out by Biology and Algebra.

And my birthday is next week so basically i'll have the crappiest birthday which will just be studying... and maybe going out to eat. That sucks. I'm sad now.

Ooh! But I got contacts yesterday. I like having contacts. I'm so proud that I can put them in and take them out by myself! Even if it does take 10 whole minutes...

Good luck to everyone that has exams next week!
December 13th, 2009 at 11:42pm