
I feel like crying, screaming, yelling at people who caused me pain

My Life has been getting a lot better, but at the same time it's getting worse.

I've been like this since i entered the sixth grade and now I'm in the ninth grade.

In the sixth grade i realized everything was a freaking lie.

In the Seventh grade something scarred me and it stills me affects me very much.

In the Eight grade I started hurting myself and couldn't stop thinking about suicide and i almost committed suicide, but my twin stopped me when she realized what I was going 2 do. When one of my closest friends found out she punched me 2 times( she punched me in the stomach and in the ribs where she left a bruise)

Now in the ninth grade I've stopped thinking about suicide and I'm trying to stop cutting(I've gone almost 3 months now without cutting). People think I'm a lot happier this year but really I'm just trying to improve my life to make it better.

My life is like this cause their is people in my family who find it fun to mess with people minds until they are basically mentally unstable.
December 14th, 2009 at 01:57am