I Really Am Starting Not To Care Anymore.

I feel like I live in a world where no one gives a crap about anything. And you know what?! Its so true!

There is this boy named Carlos and I met him less than a month ago. He's a sweet, sweet kid. He was always making me smile. He even gave me butterflies at one point. But yesterday, I got a bit of upset. He had a date and next to it an "I love you" with another girl on his icon. It broke my heart. Of course, it's not like I've known him for ages, but thats what it felt like...at first. And now, I feel like a total douche bag.

I found out it was his ex-girlfriend. Which made me feel like an even bigger douche bag! I feel like a rebound. I feel crappy! And then, he IMs me, asking me about my status which said the exact same thing as the title of this entry. I just told him it was nothing. He tells me he is sad because the "love of his life" rejected him.

Goes to show. Karma? I may think so. I am not saying anything to him again. I'm not sad nor am I depressed. I've learned to deal with my emotions and get on with life. I haven't been depressed in a number of months and I'm proud of myself for doing so. I'm not letting a dude like him get the best of me. If he used me, he used me. I'll get on with my life and forget he ever existed....Hopefully I'm doing the right thing...? =\

Who am I kidding? I may not be sad about it, but I am upset and a bit angry. I hate how boys break your heart. Its usually because of another girl. It's happened to me a couple of times, and it hurts.

My cousin helped me relieve this hurt a bit, but I still feel like crap. Boys lie. Not all, but a good amount. Like my cousin had mentioned (considering he is a boy). Screw this kid. I'll get over it...=\

I really am starting not care anymore...
December 14th, 2009 at 04:52am