
OK so today I finished my Christmas shopping yay I find it easier to shop a few weeks ahead of time before the stores are all empty but still packed full.

Lets see I already gave my brother his haha which was Reese's peanut butter cups and he loved them. (he's a junk food eater)

I bought my mom a 38 dollar necklace which is very pretty,in a very fancy dancy box and waiting for wrapping.

I bought my dad a 'Manly' type necklace it has writing on the back i forgot what it was but something to do with god and stuff that coasted around $ 21.91

Then for the rest of my family dollar tree is very handy with play dough for the kids and chocolate for the teens, and cross word puzzles for the old people ,along with coffee cups and a small jewelery box saying i love you.

^.^' that came out to 15$ there

So total of ....


and well another 1.50 because i gave a girl that so she could buy a coloring book she was looking at. A strawberry short cake one haha she was about 8. And then her family found me and asked questions and i was yanking on my dad's coat almost saying like save me save me.

And so on and he said i was just doing a good deed of the day and they left. I was some what embarrassed .
December 15th, 2009 at 02:12am