
OK, so I've been fealing a little depressed lately. Like, not maijorly depressed, or anything. Just a little. So, I'm trying to get all that out in my writing, especially in the Short Stories collum. I feel like crying, and the depressing songs that I'm listening to are my exscuse(s).

I have no reason to be depressed. A guy I kinda like, he's not that cute, but OK on that matter, but really sweet and I kinda sorta like him, asked me out this morning. I said yes, of course. Plus, Christmas is comming up! It's double happy! Jesus was born, and we get to recieve and give presents! Hurray!

A guy I've known forever I found has a profile on FB, so as soon as I can, I'm gonna add him. As soon as FaceBook decides to work for me... ugh... something not to be happy about...

THERE'S ONLY THREE MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT THIS YEAR!!!!!!! That's something to be excited about. But, of course I have exams every single one of those days.

My brother's birthday is comming up, even though we already had the party.

We have a puppy! She's going to be 12 weeks old tomorrow.

I'm finally reading InkDeath, the book I've been wanting to read FOREVER! And I'm almost done with it! Yay!

I'm almost done with A Tale of Despearox.

I'm writing again. And a new story. And I finally managed to write a one shot. Plus, IT'S ACUALLY SHORT! Yay me! That's a really big accomplishment. Although, I put FAMH on haitus... boo hoo.

I got a new phone, so yay.

I have amazing friends who buy me awesome stuff for Christmas! Yay!

I'm being optomistic!
I'm also running out of ideas...

So, as you can see, I have quite a few reasons to be happy. So, I'm not really depressed. It's just... the urge to cry. Guess when you have a soft heart like mine, you want to cry when you haven't done it in a while. It sure has been a while since I've cried. Like, truly cried. Bawled. Like a baby. I've shed a couple of tears today, but it's like smelling something delicious when you're starving. Not enough. For now, though, it'll have to be satisifying.

If you are reading this, and you know just the thing that will satisfy my strange craving for saddness and tears, please tell me. I've listened to lots of depressing songs, so unless it's really sad and really really depressing, it probably won't work. Writing always works, though. Always.

Anywho, thanks!

December 16th, 2009 at 04:45am