Last week, near to the end of second period, my friend Emma asked me to go to the toilet with her. I really didn't want to go with her because I've been with her many times before and I desperately wanted to go outside and have break. So, I sighed and said "Do I have to?" and she said "Yeah" so I said "Can't you go by yourself, you are fourteen" and she said "Well, if you were my friend then you would go with me" and I said "That's a bit childish". She gave me to worst look and said "Fine, I'll ask Jenny to go with me instead" and she turned around and didn't speak to me until after we'd had break.

It really annoyed me how she could get in a strop with me over something so small and pathetic. I think the only reason she apologized was because we had a whole two hour lesson together.

Another thing that really annoys me is she violence towards me, Jenny and some other people who are meant to be her friends. It's okay to hit someone playfully and have a laugh about it but she slaps you round the face really hard and it hurts. Sometimes I want to hit her really hard back so she knows how it feels but I don't want to make her cry or anything. Its really difficult to speak to her if I'm having a problem with her because she'll take it the wrong way and get upset, no matter what way I say it.

The thing is, Emma can be a really good friend at times and she acts like a really cool person. We have the same personality and we talk about the same things. She just sometimes acts in a really childish way and I don't know how to talk to her about it...any advice?
December 16th, 2009 at 07:03pm