What do I do in this situation?

It might sound a little uneasy and weird, but I need help with a personal problem from complete strangers.

Okay, I'm fourteen, I live in a small town where everyone loves everyone. Well, excluding my father. And that's my problem. My whole life, I've been basically neglected by my father, emotionally, not physically. We see each other often, but he's never tried to connect with me. He does his best to get along with the other four children, especially the youngest, but tends to refuse to talk with me.

But, my actual problem are the things he does. He gets a girlfriend, which I'm perfectly okay with, but then he ignores all of us. Me the worst though. I just entered high school, I'm a Freshman. On December 6th, 2009, I had my first High School Band, Choir and Jazz Band concert. I had two solos. This is one of the biggest events of my life! I did so good, too! I know I sound conceited now, but I was so nervous, but still managed to nail my saxophone solo for the first time ever! At the end of the show, I was taking off my uniform when my mom and step dad came to congratulate me and do all that stuff. I realized my dad hadn't said anything to me. So, when I got home, I called him. This is how it went:

Dad: "Hello?"
Me: "Hey... Did you miss the concert tonight?"
Dad: "What concert?"
Me[after a pause]: "My first High School concert!"
Dad: "That was today?"
Me: "Yeah. Where were you?"
Dad: "I've been sleeping on my couch."
Me [getting teary eyed quickly]: "That's a shame, I had two solos, and I did them very well... I have to go."

I spent the rest of the night crying my eyes out. My dad has missed almost every band concert I've ever had, and only came to one of my football games during marching season.

I've tried to talked to him before, have a heart-to-heart conversation and everything, but he disregards it all and continues with what he was doing before.

Well, should I stop going to his house, or should I continue living miserably in his presence?
December 16th, 2009 at 11:30pm