:P Stupid Fightss

Since my bestfriend asked me to be his girlfriend, my life as been pretty good. My boyfriend is amazing, he tells me I'm beautiful and compliments me veryday. The only problem is that I found out smoething recently about him that I didn't even know. Apparently he hates alot of things that go along with the emo/scence community and identities. Well, I am emo/scene and when he told me he hates stuff like dark makeup, dakr clothes, and artists that are emo I felt hurt. He said he never noticed that I was emo/scene when EVERYONE else does. I wear dark makeup, wear dark/neon clothes and listen to emo music. I just feel like that he doesn't like me then if he hates that kind of stuff. I know I sound superficial, I'M NOT, but he's a jock dating the 'emo girl'. Alot of people give us wierd looks when we walk down the hall holding hands and point at us. I don't care what others think about me but when I heard my boyfriend tell me hated all this stuff that I love, I don't know, it just seemed like something was wrong with me then. I know I shouldn't feel bad or anything but I do feel like he doesn't see me for who I am not the way I look. Could he end up not liking me because of the way I dress????
December 17th, 2009 at 01:06am