I don't know what's happening to me.

Last year I was hanging out with the "bad kids" and was smoking ciggs and weed. And that was it. After deciding I didn't like doing the stuff they did I stopped hanging out with them and often asked myself why I hung out with them. My old friends who I'm now friends with again said I'm better than them, and my mom said it was because I wasn't feeling good about myself because of something that happened to me. I started doing a little better and school and was hanging out with the "good" people.

But now things have gotten worse. I'm failing all of my classes. My lowest average is under a 10%. And I'm easily angered. Yesterday I completely freaked out on my dad because he said I was like someone from a commercial and because he said I thought my mom was my maid. My mom thinks i hate her and we often get into fights because I refuse to go to school a lot, even when she tells me to. And now I'll be doing something then randomly want to get stoned. I've started smoking cigarettes again to and I don't want to stop. The only thing I'm afraid of is my family finding out. Even though my brother did coke and my mom found a punch of bongs, pot and pills in his room he didn't get grounded. My parents also buy him cigarettes. He's grounded until Christmas though only because he got busted with pot at school and has to go to court. If I even got caught smoking I'd be grounded forever.

Also, my teachers keep asking me what's happened to me. To make me do so bad because for the first few months I was doing really good.
December 17th, 2009 at 07:54pm