Finals and tea

So finals are officialy over. Thank goodness. I totally failed a class or two. Which is very unlike me, I usually get straight A's. But I am learing to live with it. And I have taken on this whole new go with the flow attitude that I quite like.

So the other night I had the most odd dream ever. I was at my familys cabin, with every sinlge person in my family it seemed. And the cabin had grown to accomodate everyone. Then we were all sitting around talking and the post man came. He had two boxes for me. I opened the first one and it was full of an assortment of teacups. Ugly ones, pretty one, big small, all diffrent colors. And a few christmas themed. I opened up the other box and it had two pitchers in it. One was full of tea, and the other had lemonade. Then the post man came back and gave me the card that went along with my boxes.
They were from this guy I dated for a few weeks this past summer. One that randomly pops into my mind. Like that.

But in my dream the tea was pretty good xD

It was all really wierd.

But oh well I look forward to those dreams the most :D.

Oh and check out my story One of the Guys
December 17th, 2009 at 11:50pm