Head problems.

He seems so far away.
Well He kinda is if you think bout it.
I miss Him.
I miss His smile.
I miss the way He makes me feel when Im around Him.
In some ways no one will ever know what we feel for each other.
But then again maybe everyone will know at some point.
Im scared that maybe He doesn't know.
Maybe He's just making it sound like He doe's because He doesn't want to sound unsure.
I don't know.
Im not sure about many things.
I wish i were surer of things.
Sometimes i think i am.
But then something happens and Im not so sure anymore.
My brain doesn't exactly work wonders for me in that category.
I've always wondered if maybe i was dropped on my head when i was a baby and it affected that part of my brain.
But then i realise that Im only human.
That's that theory screwed up and thrown in the bin.
December 19th, 2009 at 12:44am