Do we live in a "follow the leader" type of society?

As much as I'd like to believe everybody has an opinion of their own, this is obviously not the case. Some people see a homeless person on the side of the street and feel bad; sadness that somebody with so many common features as themselves could be living out on the street. While others see this homeless person and feel hatred; as if this person deserves this fate, as if they're meant to be where they are.

I've met more than enough people in my life who I know, when seeing somebody in a state such as this, would laugh, or do something completely unnecessary. What I don't understand is why somebody else who could possibly have their own unique opinion about the matter doesn't state it - instead, they go along with everybody else as if to seem part of a crowd. There's no such thing as personal opinion when around people you know; it's either you speak or you keep it to yourself.

Those few individuals who do not follow this trend, and actually contribute to a greater cause by stating their opinion, are few. The world that we live in is a "follow the leader" scenario. If you disrespect the leader or go against his thoughts or ideas, you're cast out of the group, as somebody unique with opinions of their own does not deserve to be in a group where all of the thinking is done by one main individual, and shared among everybody in the surrounding population.
December 19th, 2009 at 08:24am