I need to find you before they find me.

So, in case many of you don't know. I've figured out that my writing style is more..

Well, I write the sentences short. Short and simple. Like it's right out of their mind.

See, I write more of what the person is thinking, what's going on with that person, rather than what's going on around them. I know, I should expand, and hopefully I will with time.

I just thought that I would point this out, okay? I really appreciate that's you're reading this, though. In fact, I'm onehundredpercentsure I'm in love with you.

Okay, maybe not 100%, but it's up there, pretty high.

:3 Sorry, that was LiveLaveLive, Aka Mitchell Davis. :D
Check out his Youtube channel, it's frackalacking delicious.

Anyways, I love you all, so so so much.
You're my light in my time of need.
Your words on this screen make me hope that for once, I'm needed.

If that makes sense. If it doesn't, read some of my stories. :)
I really love comments. Every comment I get, I find another reason to keep going.

So the point to this journal is to point out
1.) My writing style is different, take it or leave it.
2.) I love you all more than I love myself (:
3.) Comments make me smile and plow on through all the bad things that happen in my life.

Thank you.
December 19th, 2009 at 06:48pm