Dabbling In Polyamory?

So, I was watching MTV's True Life, and it was an episode where the people wre polyamorous. Naturally, being the way that I am, I got curious, so I decided "Hey, why not try out this shindig?" So I became "Poly-curious"

I just want to know, is there anything I should know? Like, some type of advice that would give me some type of veiw of the lifestyle I'm stepping into? I know what polyamory is, of course, but... yeah. I just need some helpful fun facts about, just so I know

And for thos of you who don't know, here's the wikipedia definition of Polyamorous:

Polyamory (from Greek ???? [poly, meaning many or several] and Latin amor [love]) is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved.
December 20th, 2009 at 04:35am