School Finals :)-

-First of all this WHOLE week ive been studying and practicing my FINALS for school!!!! :)
-In My english class we were given a study guide to study and complete for points. I completed it and got 50/50 ;)- And he said i need to use it on my test cuz i got the best grade in class :)
-On my Latin final ums.... I understand Past tense more than i do anything else :) like
(ago, Agere(to drive)) u take the 2nd word and Because it is 2nd Imperfect, U put eba in the middle of the word, (ageba) then u need to put something at the end... O/M, s,t,mus,tis,nt.
Fro examples (Agebat ( he she it drives.)) :) and on that i got 81/100 on it :)
-on my MATH final um... IDK yet Mr. Maguire hasn't posted my grade yet :( But when I took it, it took me FIVE minutes to complete :) :P i think i did good

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sincerely,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordan Dudgeon :)
December 20th, 2009 at 08:49pm