Continuous Writer's Block.

Greetings, people of the Mibba Journals! You can choose not to mind me, but I can use some help and advice on this issue. . . .

I've been wanting to get this lousy feeling off my chest for two months now. I feel like I'm such a suckish writer, since I've been falling into continuous writer's blocks and the longest one I've been on has been for a whole year. D:<

I really, really, really want to write again. I've got this idea on a story I'm trying to rewrite inside my head plus a couple more ideas I've been having this year. The problem is: inspiration doesn't seem to get me anywhere - I get into the mood for writing but when I crank up a word document or a paper and pen, I can't seem to write anything down. When I do, my inner editor just salvages my work into shit and I end up deleting the story!

This habit has been very common in me since three years. It started after I posted some work on another site and got it flamed like crazy. I also got some decent criticism, and I try to apply some of the advice I find true onto my writing, but ever since then, my writing not only improved (in my opinion) but whenever I write something down my inner editor just prowls and shreds on my work!

Criticism is nice, since it helps me improve my otherwise lousy writing, but I think my brain took the advice too seriously and I find myself struggling to write.

I seriously want to write again! Two months ago I wrote half of a chapter for the rewrite I'm making. I'm in the mood to write right now - have been for the past few days - but I can't seem to continue.

My brain wants to explode, so does my chest! *Yanks at hair.*

At least I've gotten that out...give me a few tips to get back to writing? Desperately, I need it.

Thanks in advance,
Rii. :B
December 22nd, 2009 at 10:46am