Is there a more painful way to kill yourself?

Time- 11:10
Place- My bedroom

Something that has been bothering me lately, eating disorders. I don't have one if that is what you are thinking, I just can't fathum what would possess someone to do such a thing. Its probably one of the most painful ways to die, think about it, your slowly starving yourself, but I think the worst part might be to see the faces of the ones who love you, watching you kill yourself. I don't get society, why is being painfully thin beautiful, why is my waist line smiled upon? Why does everyone campare themselves to eachother? I know I am guilty of judging people by how they look, just about everyone is, but I'm trying to rise above, as should everyone. Think about what you say before you say it, you could lead to someone, essentially, killing themself.

Be careful.
December 23rd, 2009 at 06:17am