Merry Christmas, or Hanakkuh or whatever it is you celebrate! And, if you don't celebrate anything...well, happy just-another-day!
I, for one, celebrate Christmas so I'm gonna be talking about it! If you don't wanna read it, then don't! :D
Is everyone excited for Christmas? I know I am! Mostly because I get to drink and DON'T get yelled at. PLUS, I get to prance around in my little Santa hat and jingly bells WITHOUT being called a creeper! That's the best part !
And, the bestest part, is that my sister and her husband are coming tomorrow and THEREFORE get to manhandle their son/my 5 year old devil of a nephew. (He's been visiting for about a week now, and he's been driving me up the freaking walls. Luckily I managed to retain a tiny bit of my sanity. Yay me!)
Hmm one of the great parts about Christmas, and also one of the worst, is the food. It's sooo good, and there's sooooo much of it! You just wanna keep omnoming it until you can't anymore! And that's where it gets bad. Because then you feel all fat and stuff and guilty. Then come New Years you make a resolution to loose all the weight you gained over the holidays and then end up forgetting (or giving up) your resolution a few days later. Then you feel guilty again, but you're just like "Well, fu*k that."
'Kay, that was kinda pointless. Sorry.
Besides all that great stuff, there's one thing that's my favourite Christmas trait hands-down. And that has to be spending quality time with my friends and family! I don't care about presents (though they are nice =D) as much as being with the ones I love. :)
Mushy, I know!
So, what I'm trying to ask is, what's YOUR favourite part of the holidays? Leave a comment, in the comment thinger, telling me exactly what your favourite thing is :) It can be anything from presents, to spending time with people, to booze to cookies and family game time, or even watching your uncles get wasted and try to slide down the stair banister! Oh, that's only my family that does that? Mkay.
Can't wait to hear from you!
Happy holidays!
*insert drunken Santa smiley here x)*
December 23rd, 2009 at 10:43pm